Stock images website: landscape, environment, underwater, wildlife and travel.

I now have a new website dedicated to my stock photography up and running.  The site is hosted by Photoshelter and links directly from my colinmunrophotography website, just follow the my stock images link to access it from my home page main menu.  Alternatively you can type in the url to take you directly to the site front page.  Currently I have galleries of sharks, other marine life, seals and sea lions, people (mostly in water), Norway, Scotland, Cape Verde Islands, Senegal, Tonga, Cook Islands, Dartmoor, Devon coastlines and Exeter.  More galleries and many more images will follow shortly.

Close up of a trawl net, full of fish, as it is hauled to the surface. Bottom trawling is one of the most widespread, and most controversial, of fishing methods. colin Munro Photography

Filming trawl nets working underwater

About Colin Munro