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Stock images website: landscape, environment, underwater, wildlife and travel.

Stock images website: landscape, environment, underwater, wildlife and travel.

I now have a new website dedicated to my stock photography up and running.  The site is hosted by Photoshelter and links directly from my colinmunrophotography website, just follow the my stock images link to access it from my home page main menu.  Alternatively you can type in the url to take you directly to the site front page.  Currently I have galleries of sharks, other marine life, seals and sea lions, people (mostly in water), Norway, Scotland, Cape Verde Islands, Senegal, Tonga, Cook Islands, Dartmoor, Devon coastlines and Exeter.  More galleries and many more images will follow shortly.

Close up of a trawl net, full of fish, as it is hauled to the surface. Bottom trawling is one of the most widespread, and most controversial, of fishing methods. colin Munro Photography

Filming trawl nets working underwater

About Colin Munro

New gallery: Lyme Bay Reefs and Lyme Bay Seabed stock images

Along the tide-swept crest of a low limestone ledge larger filter-feeding organisms flourish. Lyme Bay Reefs, Southwest England. (C) Colin Munro Photography.

New gallery uploaded – Lyme Bay Seabed Images and Lyme Bay Reefs

A rich epifaunal turf forms on the tide-swept edge of a rocky reef, Saw-tooth ledges Reef, Lyme bay, Southwest England. Colin Munro Photography

A rich epifaunal turf forms on the tide-swept edge of a rocky reef, Saw-tooth ledges Reef, Lyme bay, Southwest England. Image No. MBI001163

I’ve started creating a dedicated gallery of stock images documenting the seabed habitats and species of Lyme Bay. This gallery will include Lyme bay Reefs, for which the Lyme Bay Closed Area was set up to protect, and will catalogue the diversity of these reefs, but will also document some of the interesting sedimentary habitats which usually fail to receive the attention they merit.  These and more Lyme Bay images can be seen here.

A sediment covered limestone boulder reef in Lyme Bay, Southwest England. The bright yellow tassled sponge Iophon hyndmani or Iophonopsis nigricans (the two species  cannot be positively differentiated underwater) can be seen in the centre of the image; (C) Colin Munro Photography

A sediment covered limestone boulder reef in Lyme Bay, Southwest England. The bright yellow tassled sponge Iophon hyndmani or Iophonopsis nigricans (the two species cannot be positively differentiated underwater) can be seen in the centre of the image. Image No. MBI001162

Along the tide-swept crest of a low limestone ledge larger filter-feeding organisms flourish.  Lyme Bay Reefs, Southwest England. (C) Colin Munro Photography.

Along the tide-swept crest of a low limestone ledge larger filter-feeding organisms flourish. Lyme Bay Reefs, Southwest England. Image No. MBI001156

A scallop, Pecten maximus, swim away from a perceived threat. Gravel waves, Lyme Bay, Southwest England. (C) Colin Munro Photography

A scallop, Pecten maximus, swim away from a perceived threat. Gravel waves, Lyme Bay, Southwest England. Image No. MBI001173

All the images in this blog are available to license. To view a gallery (license images or purchase prints of) these, and more of my Lyme Bay seabed images go here. Alternatively you can search all my online stock images at my site through the search box (top right) here or on my main website here. Lyme Bay Reefs images, Lyme Bay seabed images, stock images.


Start Point and Start Bay, South Devon

Rocky headland, Start Point, South Devon, England. Image MBI000921.
Rock Ridge and sky, Start Point, Rock Ridge and sky, Start Point, South Devon, England. Image No. MBI000920. Colin Munro Photography

South Devon, England. Image No. MBI000920.


Rocky headland, Start Point, South Devon, England. Image MBI000921.

Rocky headland, Start Point, South Devon, England. Image MBI000921.

 A very blustery day in late June saw see scrambling around the rocks on Start Point with my son.  The southwesterly wind was whipping white horses off the wave tops on the western side of the headland; to the east, sheltered by the high rocks of Start Point, the water within Start bay was almost mirror smooth, disturbed only by surface ripples.

Start Bay from Start Point,  South Devon, England. Image No. MBI000922.

Start Bay from Start Point, South Devon, England. Image No. MBI000922.


As ever, these images are available to reproduce as rights managed images or as art prints on a variety of media.  If you’d like to use any of the images in a publication, display, website etc., please email be (colin ‘at’ noting the image number and where you’d like to use the image.  If you are interested in a print, please visit the prints page for options then email me. Thanks, Colin Munro.