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Not quite Phileas Fogg

The katuali or flat-tail sea snake (Laticauda schistorhynchus) is a type of sea snake, or more precisely a krait, found only around Nuie Island in the South Pacific. There is some debate as to whether it is a seperate species or a sub-species of the black-banded sea krait (Laticauda semifasciata) also known as the Chinese sea snake. Colin Munro Photography

I have been very lucky recently.  In the past 12 months alone my work has taken me to around 23 countries. Whilst not quite in the slipstream of Phileas Fogg it has nonetheless been something of a wild roller-coaster ride.  This has enabled me to greatly increase the range of my stock images, from orang utans to komodo dragons and Pitcairn Island to St Kilda.  The down side (I know, I know…. I’m not complaining) is that time to sort, edit, key-word and upload this exponentially growing back catalogue has been in short supply.

American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) lying on a muddy river bank, Tempisque River, Costa Rica.

American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) lying on a muddy river bank, Tempisque River, Costa Rica.

Often this has been limited to brief spells in cafes or airport departure lounges with sluggish WiFi.  However, the up side of a recent accident and a few weeks enforced recuperation in one country has been  time to sit down and tackle the rather daunting task of sorting through almost a terabyte or raw images.

The katuali or flat-tail sea snake (Laticauda schistorhynchus) is a type of sea snake, or more precisely a krait, found only around Nuie Island in the South Pacific.  There is some debate as to whether it is a seperate species or a sub-species of the black-banded sea krait (Laticauda semifasciata) also known as the Chinese sea snake. Colin Munro Photography

The katuali or flat-tail sea snake (Laticauda schistorhynchus) is a type of sea snake, or more precisely a krait, found only around Nuie Island in the South Pacific.

I am now doggedly sifting through these and uploading to my stoc images website  This is a seachable site, where named galleries can be browsed (e.g. Norway, Cape Verde islands, Fish, Seabirds) or images can be searched by keyword, geographical area and other parameters.  The opening page links to a small number of showcase galleries which I will rotate as I update galleries.

Grey-headed kingfisher(Halcyon leucocephala) Cape Verde Islands, West Africa. Colin Munro Photography

Grey-headed kingfisher(Halcyon leucocephala) Cape Verde Islands, West Africa

So if you haven’t checked out yet why not give it a few minutes during your next coffee break.  If you have, then come back again next week and hopefully there will be updates since last time.  Either way, if you have any comments or requests then please get in touch

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Stock images website: landscape, environment, underwater, wildlife and travel.

Stock images website: landscape, environment, underwater, wildlife and travel.

I now have a new website dedicated to my stock photography up and running.  The site is hosted by Photoshelter and links directly from my colinmunrophotography website, just follow the my stock images link to access it from my home page main menu.  Alternatively you can type in the url to take you directly to the site front page.  Currently I have galleries of sharks, other marine life, seals and sea lions, people (mostly in water), Norway, Scotland, Cape Verde Islands, Senegal, Tonga, Cook Islands, Dartmoor, Devon coastlines and Exeter.  More galleries and many more images will follow shortly.

Close up of a trawl net, full of fish, as it is hauled to the surface. Bottom trawling is one of the most widespread, and most controversial, of fishing methods. colin Munro Photography

Filming trawl nets working underwater

About Colin Munro